Beyond Sugar Freedom Podcast

My natural birth story [Ep. 179]

Danielle Daem

Welcome to my natural birth story episode!

I’m taking a break from motherhood to share my powerful story with all of you and the lessons I learned along the way.

Most women have no idea what they are capable of…

Or that they even have options when it comes to the interventions of their birth…

Which is why I want to share my story with you here today.

Let’s dive in!


➠ Discover the unique ROOT CAUSE that is keeping you stuck on the sugar rollercoaster every year. Take the QUIZ HERE NOW.

➠ Ready to finally kick your emotional eating habit and build a new healthy relationship with sugar from the inside out? Say goodbye to late night snacking and stress eating for good. Get immediate access to my exclusive and FREE Kick Emotional Eating 3 Part Training here.

Natural Birth Resources:


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Medical Disclaimer

The information provided in this podcast is for general purposes only and is not intended to be professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. My personal advice should NOT be taken as professional advice and you are always advised to consult with your own healthcare provider before making any changes to your health and wellness routine. This podcast is intended to inspire and offer alternative views to healing your relationship with food, mind and body. It is up to each listener to take responsibility for their own health and wellness decisions. I hold no liability or responsibility for your results or lack thereof.